Friday, August 1, 2014

Age 4, group one - August 1, 2014

Welcome to the last day of ICS Summer Fun Camp! We hope your children have had a fun and productive experience learning and playing these past two weeks. We have had a great time teaching them, and cannot wait to see you next year! 

Today, we explored weather and water cycle. We discussed different weather conditions and described what they are like. For activity, we did a physical representation of the water cycle, and rain falling through a cloud.

Arts & Crafts For the last day of Art class, we made a paper "medallion". Each  student colored and decorated their medallion with sequins, glitters.

For the last day, we had competition fun. Students were divided into teams and learn to race with fairness and fun.

Today, we reviewed the music concepts we've learned about loud and soft, fast and slow.  We will also sang some of the favorite songs learned throughout the second session of summer school.