Friday, August 1, 2014

Age 4, group two - August 1, 2014

Welcome to the last day of ICS Summer Fun Camp! We hope your children have had a fun and productive experience learning and playing these past two weeks. We have had a great time teaching them, and cannot wait to see you next year! 

Today, we learned about the cohesive property of water. We predicted how much water we can drop without it spilling over with an eyedropper. If you have a dropper at home, you can try this demonstration with different liquids and see the difference!"

Arts & Crafts
Today we created a mosaic watermelon and learned the letter W. We decorated it with gems.

Today we began classes with a review of our ab bicycle exercise, afterwards we learnt how to do the hula hoop routine. We finished class today with a quick game of doggy doggy.

Today in class, we learned the new song Father Abraham where we put our right arm, left arm, left foot, right foot in, along with other fun actions. We also did a review of all the songs we have learned so far and talked about our favorite story! We reminded ourselves of the importance of sharing and being polite to the people around us.