Thursday, July 24, 2014

Age 4, group one - July 24, 2014

Today in Drama class, we learnt about the letter N. N is for Noah and the ark. We read the Noah and the ark and acted out the story a few times, pretending to be the ark and animals that went into the ark . We also learnt the song The Animals Went in Two by two.

Arts & Crafts
Today we made a necklace for letter N.  We used penne pasta for the necklace, painted, and decorated it with sands and sequins.

Today we used our listening to skills to guess the song that is hummed.  The students had a chance to play instruments and learned a new movement song.  

Today we had tossing exercise. Kids were practicing one hand tossing beanbag and double hands catching it by themselves or with a friend. We also had a lot of fun playing in the musical statue game.