Monday, July 28, 2014

(July 28) Ages 5-6: Red Groups A-E

Group 1
Adventure Activities - Mon: Balloon Challenge: Students pass a balloon under over and have a relay race with a balloon between their legs.
Stories and Drama - We practiced our dialogue and independently present the story of "Jesus Calms the Storm" as a team. Although some of us had preferred roles, we learned to take turns and to work together. The children performed and worked well together, and we had a great time in drama.
We'll be listening to the story of the Three Trees. There is a 24-minute online video on "The Legend of the Three Trees". Here’s the link to watch:
ART - Today we are making teddy bears.
GAMES AND MOVEMENT - Day 6 Theme: Taking care of our bodies honors God
The bodie is the temple of the Holy Spirit. We will talk about how do the people take care of our temple.
Activity: realay games using scooter, cones and balls.
Music – We will be learning the first verse of O-B-E-D-I-E-N-C-E and how important it is to SHOW obedience in our daily actions. Reviewing last week’s songs.

Group 2
Adventure Activities – Today we are making Human knots.
Stories and Drama - We are reading and acting out The Three Trees.
MUSIC We will be learning a new action song about creation tomorrow called, "The Hippo Song". The students will also be learning about different instruments and the first group will be string instruments. If there is time we will also play a group tag game. 
GAMES and MOVEMENT -. Today we are playing 4 Corners.

ART –On Monday, we will be working with clay!  We will examine how clay pots are made, and then create small pots of our own.  We will be leaving them to dry, then paint them later this week.