Monday, July 21, 2014

Dear Summer Fun Camp Session 2 Families,

We got off to a great start for the ICS Summer Fun Camp today!   Thank you for bringing you children ON TIME and lining up in the roped areas.

Don’t forget that each child should wear their name tag and label all of their belongings each day! 

New students received a Program T Shirt today.   Please wear the tshirt each day of the program.

Please take your child’s temperature in the morning. If they have a temperature that is 37.4 or higher, have them stay at home.

Snack time: There is mid-morning snack time and I would like to remind you to send a small snack and a drink (water bottle) with your child.

Pick-up procedure: Please do not forget to bring the pick-up card to collect your child. If a person other than you is going to collect your child, pass the pick-up card to them. If this cannot be done, you will need to email the Summer Fun Camp office and let us know the name of the person collecting your child. Then, this email will need to be printed and the person picking up your child will need to bring it to school.

Summer Fun Camp Blog: We have a website dedicated to the program. Here, you will be able to see your child involved in all the different activities.  The blog address:

If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email me on:  3920 - 0261


Juniata B. Wible
Session Two Program Director

Psalms 90:14  Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love that we may sing for joy and be filled with gladness all our days.