Friday, July 25, 2014

(July 25) Ages 7-10: Green Groups A-E

Group 1
Drama The Green drama classes will be performing their own skits for the class about activities we do at school. They worked hard on them!
Adventure Activities - Get me out! I'm stuck! Students and teachers will need to use their critical thinking skills to break free in the game The Human Knot. In the game Triangle Tag students will see that teams are also used to protect others. 
ART - We made it to the end of week 1 of session 2! Today in Art Class we will check the progress of our clay plates that we made yesterday and finish any incomplete projects we've started so far. We are having a great time experimenting with different techniques and examining the results. We've learned that each piece of art we make is unique and beautiful, just like God created all of us to be unique and beautiful!
GAMES - Today in games and movements (7-10) the two upper primary classes joined together to play doctor dodgeball. 
Music - Today we will review the songs from this week, many of them becoming favorites for the kids to sing as they line up for their next class.

Group 2
Music For the blue classes, we discussed basic meter concepts, improvisation and had a rhythmic musical improvisation workshop in class. The students learned how to improvise a rhythmic motif and created variations of it.
For Orange and Purple, we also discussed meter and rhythmic improvisation. We had the same rhythmic workshop to create variations on a simple motif to stimulate musical creativity. After that, we moved onto a melodic improvisational workshop, creating a spontaneous conversation between 5 instruments.
GAMES - Today in games and movements (7-10) the two upper primary classes joined together to play doctor dodgeball. We will be playing a game called Doctor Dodgeball. The dodge balls are placed in the centre of the room and the class divided into two teams, each choosing a player to act as the team doctor. The objective of this game is to hit as many players from the opposite side with the dodge balls, and whichever side first hits the doctor wins!
DRAMA - Today the children put together their story making and acting skills by writing and performing their own mini skits. 
Adventure Activities - Today, the kids played two games. The first game was a relay game with drawings and short sentences. For the second game, they had to use rubber bands to shoot down the pyramid that we built with paper cups. 

ART – Today the students are starting on a new project – making a photo frame with accessories.