Thursday, July 31, 2014

(July 31) Ages 7-10: Blue Groups A-C

Group 1
Drama - Green drama students will be acting out popular children stories on Thursday. 
Adventure Activities - All aboard. Huh? We can't all fit on there. It is too small! What kind of train has such a small car. In the game All Aboard participants have to have all their team members on very small pieces of paper. As they complete the task the paper will get smaller.
ART -   It's Free Art Day! Today will be spent finishing up any incomplete projects and allowing students to think of their own creative solution to use up any extra materials. We will discuss reducing waste and what it means to work independently.
GAMES Today in games and movement (7-10) the class played cleaning the room. Kids are divided into two teams. The gym is divided into two sides with each team taking one. Their objective is to get all the bean bags and balls to the other side.

Music - Thursday we will be learning two important truths from the songs Little by Little (growing in Christ after salvation), and Stretchin' the Truth (the dangers of lying).

Group 2
Music - Today, we dove deeper in into meter, exploring irregular and alternating meters and learning to identify them aurally through a team building activity.
GAMES –   Today the students will be split up in to 2-4 groups, and they will be required to do a relay with an obstacle courses. The obstacle course will include jumping, running, throwing, and playing with scooters. The first team that finishes the relay wins.
DRAMA - Today the students will be performing their skits.
Adventure Activities Today, the kids finished up their popsicle sticks tower and presented it to the rest of the class. They put a lot of effort into building them and they all turned out really nice. Then we played a game that involved numbers and balloons. 

ART – Today the children are learning about God’s love story and walking with God. They are completing the gift boxes and working on gospel bracelets.