Wednesday, July 23, 2014

(July 23) Ages 7-10: Orange Group A

Group 1
Drama  The Green drama classes used their  faces and bodies to act out actions that we see around us every day. Silly fun learning acting skills!
ART  All classes will be using the textured paper they created yesterday by fingerpainting to make a plant collage. They will experiment with variety, color, and shape to create their own unique plant. This project was inspired by the award-winning style of illustrator Eric Carle,
who made the artwork for the famous book, The Hungry Hungry Caterpillar.
ADVENTURE ACTIVITIES  Today we will learn the importance of knowing all our team members through the game The Blanket.
GAMES AND MOVEMENT: Today in games and movements ( 7-10) we played Arabian Soccer. Students have to use dodge balls to knock down the opposing team's cones.
MUSIC  The students have been fascinated by the touching story of Ron Hamilton, Patch the Pirate, who has written many children's character-building songs. Today we added Walk With the Wise, about being careful who our friends are.

Group 2
ADVENTURE ACTIVITIES: We played an extended version of "Four Corners" by adding trivia questions to make the game more interesting and difficult. Also, we played another game called "Silent Whispers" which the kids really enjoyed as well. 
After the song I taught them how to apply what they have learned in their daily lives. 
I linked the teaching with the craft they started to work today. They start to work on their lion ( made with paper cups). We also glued the clay parts on the rocks. Tomorrow they will paint them.
ART  The students sang “My God is so Great” After the song I taught them how to apply what they have learned in their daily lives. 
I linked the teaching with the craft they started to work today. They start to work on their lion ( made with paper cups). We also glued the clay parts on the rocks. Tomorrow they will paint them.
MUSIC Yesterday the class experienced the evolution of music. We discussed what music is, and discovered how music evolved throughout the ages namely from the baroque period to the 21st century. The students thought George Crumb's Black Angels and Tan Dun's Water Percussion interesting. We continued the journey today, diving into the world of film music, a branch of music that started in the late 20th century. 
DRAMA Today for class we will be working on the children's story making skills with the activity "Unfortunately, fortunately". Then we will continue working on their acting skills with Charades. 

GAMES AND MOVEMENT: We will be learning how to play kickball! This game is similar to baseball, and the kids will be divided into two teams. Each team's objective is to get as many points as they can by having players run from first to home base. This game will encourage the kids to work in a team setting and improve hand-eye coordination.